Monday, July 7, 2008

Home Safe and Sound...last Friday

Todd did make it home right on time Friday. The girls were so thrilled to see him, and so was I. He didn't get much rest that day but did get a little caught up on Sat and Sun, and I don't think going back to work today was too rough on him. As for promised pictures...the software for the new camera was left in Africa. I think we're going to take the memory card to WalMart, have a disc made and upload from there. We'll hop on it quickly because he really did get some great pics, and I haven't even seen them all.

Thanks so much for praying for him. Words cannot express how glad I was when he called from Atlanta, and I knew he was safely on our continent!

Oh, and my camera's USB cord did make a trip to Africa so I'll try to post pics of our weather station soon.


mer@lifeat7000feet said...

I'm very thankful he's home safe...and I can't WAIT to see pics!!!

I'll check back soon!


--almost finished with The Shack. I'll talk to you about it when I'm through.

Angie said...

I'm glad Todd is back. It's hard to believe he was in OUR country! :-) Looking forward to seeing pictures.
