Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Blogging Etiquette...A Question for the Pros

Okay, when someone posts a comment to your blog, is it appropriate to post a follow-up comment, or should you send an email? I'm just not sure!



mer@lifeat7000feet said...'s my thought....

IF you can reply to the comment via email (some people have that feature enabled on their profile setting) then I like to just hit "reply" to their comment and send them a personal answer.

If you can't reply to a comment (Dee Dee, I can't reply directly to you) I'll ususally send an email IF I have their email address.

Every once in awhile, I'll post a comment on my blog with an answer...but my experience is that people don't go back and read them.

And sometimes, I just forget that to answer period!

So..clear as mud, huh?

Unknown said...

I usually just post a reply in the comment section, unless it's a direct question. Then I'll either send an e-mail or post a comment on their blog. I would love to e-mail reply to all, but I don't know an easy way to do that with blogger.