Monday, December 31, 2007

Blog Guilt

When I first discovered the world of blogging, thanks to my friend Mer, I was overwhelmingly inspired and encouraged. There were so many neat women out there doing so many neat things - a whole community of people who seemed like-minded!

HOWEVER, as this year draws to an end and the new one looms before me, I am feeling a sense of guilt - that all these women are doing so much more with themselves than I am. Sadly, I can't seem to escape the comparison game. So, after I realized that comparing myself to people I don't even know is a slippery slope, I hope that I am coming back to reality with a readjusted perspective.

I am going to try to choose to stay away from guilt and instead be motivated to look at the gifts that God has given me - not the ones He's given all my blog people. After I took a brief inventory of some of my gifts, I realized that I am not really trying to use some of those for His glory at all. It would be so sad to sit in the middle of my gifts, spinning my wheels while I look longingly at the gifts of others and say, "Oh, if I could only be more crafty, if only my mom had taught me to sew, if only I were a better homemaker, if only I ..." and the list could go on forever.

Of course, the never ending tension in my life for now is how to not put those things ahead of my high calling of showing three precious ones what love looks like - Oh, so hard for me! I was doing really great at being calm this morning. (I had read a little of my Charlotte Mason Companion the night before.) I was so ready to positively resolve fights and have a peaceful home. Yeah, well that lasted until everything I tried to occupy Aubrie with lasted about 5 seconds, and she was right back into something that she wasn't supposed to be in. Simple tasks that should take a few minutes span an hour as I try to juggle the girls and all their energy.

But, I'm not giving up! I will try again as soon as they wake up, and I will hold Dr. Dobson to his promise that if we set healthy boundaries in the early years and are consistent in our discipline that the teenage years will be easier! (aka - not as bad as they could be)

So, I digress...maybe this is why I don't get much done...hmmmm. Anyway, I do want to look at some of the things that I am good at and how I can better use those things for my family and for my God.


mer@lifeat7000feet said...

Hi Dee Dee...

Kudos to you for shaking off the guilt. It's so easy to see what you're NOT instead of focusing on what you ARE. We're separated by miles and miles, but I know that you are a good mom who loves her kids and wants them to know and love Jesus. That is indeed a high calling!'re in the thick of mothering right now. My kids are 10, 9, and 5.5 and I'm finding time for myself is much easier to come by these days.

Happy New Year!

Lori said...

Oh, how much easier it would be to not be so hard on the girls now!!But, I have to remind myself that it can be hard now, or harder later. Here's to hoping now is it!